At Brudco, we build support lead ...  DELIVER!


Fibre, Coax and traditional telephone lines for home services and mainlines, stretch across the country from coast to coast. Brudco provides support for the telecommunications industry with a complete turn-key build solution for major projects as well as being able to meet one-off and small project objectives through our individual offerings.


Our cold Canadian climate makes us reliant an energy sources for heat. Gas infrastructure is a major supplier of heat for residential and commercial buildings. This type of infrastructure requires continuous maintenance, upkeep and emergency support. Brudco has extensive experience in this area and can provide quick, safe, reliable support for Gas infrastructure.


As our world continues to move towards cleaner energy sources there is an increased demand placed on our current electrical grid. Upgrading and expanding current infrastructure and building new infrastructure will continue to be a major focus over the next decade. Brudco leads the industry with extensive knowledge and experience in electrical installation and upgrading.


Brudco has completed all types of concrete projects for water and sewer projects including new construction and repair and maintenance of existing infrastructure.


“Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Government projects, Brudco offers a wide range of concrete construction services.”

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is the primary method used in underground infrastructure and pipeline installation because it does not require excavating a trench. The is commonly referred to as a trenchless solution and is mainly used in congested areas and where product needs to be delivered under existing infrastructure. Brudco provides services on all types of these installations including:

    • Residential water Installations
    • Commercial water Installations
    • Residential sanitary Installations
    • Commercial sanitary installations
    • Residential Communication Installations
    • Commercial communication installations
    • Industrial communication installations
    • Residential gas line installations
    • Commercial gas line installations
    • Industrial gas line installations
    • River, creek crossings
    • Residential electrical installations
    • Commercial electrical installations
    • Industrial electrical installations

Trenching and Ploughing

Trenching & Ploughing is the method used to lay lines and cover them in a single process trench. This is generally considered an efficient approach to installing lines and cables in a single process making it very economical over. Brudco can supply support services for installations including:

    • Residential water Installations
    • Commercial water Installations
    • Residential sanitary Installations
    • Commercial sanitary installations
    • Residential Communication Installations
    • Commercial communication installations
    • Industrial communication installations
    • Residential gas line installations
    • Commercial gas line installations
    • Industrial gas line installations
    • River, creek crossings
    • Residential electrical installations
    • Commercial electrical installations
    • Industrial electrical installations
    • Agriculture irrigation systems

Hydrovac and Daylighting

Hydrovac and daylighting are processes where high pressure water is used to break up material around infrastructure without the need to excavate. The material that is broken up is then vacuumed into a truck with a hose.  The truck then transports the slurry material to an offsite disposal facility.  This process is also known as potholing or vacuum excavation. This method provides a safe way to expose facilities or underground structures without the risk of a strike. Brudco provides services including:

    • Utility daylighting for visual observation
    • Small trenches and holes
    • Congested area excavation
    • Frozen ground excavation

Ditch and Trench Excavating

Traditional excavating methods are still commonly used today for trenching or ditching. This method uses excavating equipment to physically move material and create an open trench. Brudco provides ditch and trench excavation services including:

    • Residential water Installations
    • Commercial water Installations
    • Residential sanitary Installations
    • Commercial sanitary installations
    • Residential Communication Installations
    • Commercial communication installations
    • Industrial communication installations
    • Residential gas line installations
    • Commercial gas line installations
    • Industrial gas line installations
    • River, creek crossings
    • Residential electrical installations
    • Commercial electrical installations
    • Industrial electrical installations
    • Agriculture irrigation systems

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